


藏 品:中华民国开国纪念币、中华民国二十三年壹圆

編 號:D050



規 格:D:3.7cm Wt:27g/D:3.7cm Wt:26g




中华民国开国纪念币,由中央版,地方版组成,图案采用大总统孙中山肖像。俗称孙小头。是民国时期流通的货币之一。也是第一枚将大总统头像替换皇家龙图的国币。意味着满清王朝灭亡。中华民国共和新纪元开始,此银币是历史大变革时代,时间短,发行量少,赋予了藏品的独特价值。  中华民国二十三年壹圆,是废两改元后铸造的第二版正式国币。该币的正面除了字样为民国二十三年外,其它的设计都和二十二年船洋壹圆相同。该币成色佳,分量足,进入流通领域后很快为广大民众所接受,并和二十二年船洋共同逐步取代了袁大头银元的流通地位。此组银币钱文清晰,字体端庄,文字清秀,钱廓规整制作精美,有着极高的艺术价值,投资收藏价值极佳。The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China consists of the central version and the local version. The design adopts the portrait of the great president Sun Yat Sen. It is commonly known as sun xiaotou. It was one of the currency in circulation during the period of the Republic of China. It is also the first national coin to replace the head of the Grand President with the Royal Dragon Figure. It means the end of the Qing Dynasty. From the beginning of the new era of the Republic of China, this silver coin is an era of great historical change, with a short period of time and a small circulation, giving the collection unique value. One yuan in the 23rd year of the Republic of China is the second edition of official national currency. The design of the front of the coin is the same as that of the 22nd year Chuanyang yuan, except that the inscription is in the 23rd year of the Republic of China. With good quality and sufficient weight, the coin was quickly accepted by the general public after it entered the circulation field, and gradually replaced yuan Datou silver yuan's circulation status with the 22-year-old Chuanyang. This group of silver coins has clear characters, dignified fonts, elegant characters, regular outline and exquisite production, which has high artistic value and excellent investment and collection value.