


藏 品:中国银圆大十珍

編 號:D066



規 格:尺寸不一




太史公曰:“农工商交易之路通,而龟贝金钱刀布兴焉,虞厦之间,金为三品,或黄,或白,或赤,或钱,或布,或刀,或龟贝”《史记平准书》随着中国社会的进步,商品交换的发展,银,作为表现商品价值最适当的材料之一,充当为一般等价物。早在明代中期,西班牙在墨西哥制造本阳,俗称双柱,随着八国联军的入侵而流入我国,外国银币在中国的流通范围也日益扩大,开始由沿海留了内地,后因外国银币具有规定的重量,成色,使用是直接以没气质等特点。无疑别使用银两方面,所以商民乐用导致出现用银币套购白银的现象,引起大量白银外流,外伤大获暴利,国家损失严重在道光九年12月上谕中写道:“朕闻外夷洋钱有大髻,小髻,蓬头,蝙蝠,双住,马剑诸名。在内地行使,不宜买货,专以买银,暗中消耗,每一文抵换内地纹银计折耗二三分,自闽、广、江西,浙江,江苏,渐到黄河以南各省,洋钱盛行,凡完纳钱粮及商贾,交易无一不用洋钱,番舶以贩为名,专门带洋钱到各省海口,收买纹银,致内地银两日少,羊钱日多。近年银价日昂,未必不由于此”于是清廷朝野纷求对策,决定顺应对势,自制银币,机造银币技术上乃一大进步,此前皆浇铸或人工打造,技术落伍,粗糙,轻重大小难予划一,不美观,亦不便使用。机器一改旧观,精湛瑰丽,是不可多得的艺术品,美不胜收Taishigong said: "there is a good way to trade between agriculture, industry and commerce, and the tortoise shell money knife is flourishing. Between Yu and Xia, gold is of three grades, yellow, white, red, money, cloth, knife or tortoise shell". With the progress of Chinese society and the development of commodity exchange, silver is one of the most appropriate materials to express the value of commodities and serves as a general equivalent. As early as the mid Ming Dynasty, Spain made Benyang in Mexico, commonly known as Shuangzhu. With the invasion of the Eight Allied forces, foreign silver coins flowed into China. The circulation scope of foreign silver coins in China also expanded day by day, and began to leave the inland from the coastal areas. Later, because foreign silver coins had the prescribed weight and quality, they were directly used with no temperament and other characteristics. There is no doubt that we should not use silver. Therefore, the use of commercial and folk music has led to the phenomenon of using silver coins to buy silver, causing a large outflow of silver, resulting in huge profits and serious losses to the country. In December of the ninth year of Daoguang, the imperial edict wrote: "I heard that foreign money has big bun, small bun, pengtou, bat, Shuangzhu and Ma Jian. In the mainland, it is not suitable to buy goods. Instead, it is used to buy Silver and consume it secretly. Each article is used to offset the silver grain in the mainland, which costs two to three cents. From Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Jiangsu to the provinces south of the Yellow River, foreign money prevails. All the merchants who have received money and grain need foreign money to trade, Sheep have more money every day. In recent years, the price of silver has been rising day by day, which is not necessarily because of this. "So the Qing government and the public sought countermeasures and decided to comply with the trend. The self-made silver coins and machine-made silver coins were a great progress in technology. Before that, they were all cast or hand-made. The technology was outdated, rough, difficult to be uniform in weight and size, not beautiful, and inconvenient to use. The machine is a rare art with exquisite and magnificent view, which is very beautiful