


藏 品:《清明上河图》蜀锦绘册

編 號:B100



規 格:Volume 1 L:249cm W:27cm Volume 2 L:214cm W:27cm Volume 3 L:249cm W:27cm Volume 4 L:249cm W:27cm




此次推出的《清明上河图》蜀锦绘本。分为四册共计高27厘米、长961厘米,裱工精良。此画为绢绘蜀锦制本,其中有清代梁诗正题诗,盖有“乾隆御览之宝”章。 四册绘本保存完整,画面表现的是北宋时期国都汴京河两岸的自然风光和繁荣景象,生动记录了北宋汴京城市面貌和其社会各阶层的百姓生活状况,是汴京当年昌盛与经济发展的写照。以散点透视的绘画手法,不断移动视点的方法,即“散点透视法”来摄取所需的景象,画面呈现出各色人物,牛、骡、驴,车、轿、船,房子、树木、桥梁、城楼等各有特色,局面热烈而带着忧患之意,盛世危图,官兵懒散。此画面以宋代民间习俗,节日聚会,商业贸易活动,漕运枢纽繁荣,汴京城外春色,皇家园林等六个宏伟壮观场面来体现。如此丰富多彩意境深远的盛世画面内容,为历代罕见惊骇之作。各色人物从事的各种活动,不惟衣着不同,神情气质也各异而且穿插安排着各种活动,画中每个人物、景象、细节,都安排得合情合理,疏密、繁简、动静、聚散等画面关系,处理得恰到好处,达到繁而不杂,多而不乱,堪称佳作。此套册页蜀锦绘本具有极高的收藏价值和历史研究价值。The Sichuan brocade picture book "Qingming Riverside picture" was launched this time. It is divided into four volumes, with a total height of 27 cm and a length of 961 cm. This painting is made of silk and Shu brocade, in which Liang Shizheng of Qing Dynasty wrote a poem with the seal of "treasure of Emperor Qianlong". The four picture books are well preserved. The pictures show the natural scenery and prosperity on both sides of Bianjing River, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. They vividly record the appearance of Bianjing city in the Northern Song Dynasty and the living conditions of people from all walks of life. They are the portrayal of the prosperity and economic development of Bianjing in those years. The painting technique of scattered point perspective and the method of constantly moving the viewpoint, namely "scattered point perspective", are used to capture the required scene. The picture shows various characters, such as cattle, mules, donkeys, cars, sedans, boats, houses, trees, bridges, city buildings, etc. they have their own characteristics. The situation is warm and worrying, the prosperous times are dangerous, and the officers and soldiers are lazy. This picture is represented by six magnificent scenes, such as folk customs, festival gatherings, commercial and trade activities, prosperity of water transport hub, spring outside Bianjing City, and royal gardens. Such a rich and colorful picture with profound artistic conception is a rare and shocking work in the past dynasties. All kinds of activities of different characters are not only different in clothes, but also different in expression and temperament. They are interspersed with various activities. Each character, scene and detail in the painting is arranged in a reasonable way. The relationship between the dense, simple, dynamic, static and scattered pictures is handled properly, so as to achieve complex but not complicated, numerous but not chaotic, which is a good work. This set of Sichuan brocade picture books has high collection value and historical research value.
