


藏 品:青花“八仙祝寿六方盖罐”

編 號:1049



規 格:H:45cm




此件藏品为大明嘉靖年制青花六方盖罐,此罐高:45cm,明代青花流传至今收藏品越来越稀少,现在征集到此件藏品是在难得 ,此罐面有人物纹,人物刻画栩栩如生,这个是明代嘉靖年独有的刻画工艺,体现出了工匠们超高的制作工艺和水平。此件收藏品包浆自然,是经过年代长时间的洗礼才能如此醇厚的包浆,人物刻画也是很形象,加上整体造型非常的完美,构图繁密严谨,层次分明,主题突出。据文献记载,此时期的青花使用回青料描绘,色调翠蓝浓艳,具有鲜明的时代特征。并且有"大明嘉靖年制"款识自嘉靖开始,青花瓷上的题字骤增,除了年号款外还有寄托款、吉语佳句等。这样画工精美.古朴大方.造型规整.传世稀少的瓷器是非常值得收藏的艺术品。

This collection is a blue and white hexagonal cap jar made in the Jiajing year of the Ming Dynasty. Its height is 45cm. The collection of blue and white flowers of the Ming Dynasty has become more and more rare since they were handed down. It is rare to collect this collection now. The jar has figure patterns on its surface, and the characters are vividly portrayed. This is a unique carving and painting process in the Jiajing year of the Ming Dynasty, which reflects the super high production technology and level of craftsmen. This collection is naturally wrapped with thick paste, which can only be so mellow after a long time of baptism. The characterization is also very vivid. In addition, the overall shape is very perfect, the composition is dense and rigorous, the level is clear, and the theme is prominent. According to the literature, the blue and white flowers of this period were painted with Huiqing materials, with bright colors of turquoise blue and distinctive characteristics of the times. In addition, since Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty, the inscriptions on blue and white porcelain have increased rapidly. Besides the year number, there are also deposits and auspicious sayings. Such exquisite painting, simple and generous, regular shape and rare porcelain handed down from generation to generation are very valuable works of art for collection.