黄美尧《青山屋瓦色 指点墨千层》

黄美尧《青山屋瓦色 指点墨千层》


藏 品:黄美尧《青山屋瓦色 指点墨千层》

編 號:1068



規 格:200cm*100cm




黄美尧1934年出生于四川江油,1955年考入四川美院,受教于李有行、沈福文、梁启煌、冯建吴(大画家石鲁之兄) 肖建初(张大千女婿、画家)及著名理论家王朝闻等。1959至1988年在景德镇陶瓷学院任教长达30年,授教授职称。他桃李满天下,景德镇的中国工艺美术大师和陶瓷艺术大师中有17位来自他的门下,如秦锡麟、刘远长、姚永康、熊钢如、戴荣华等。他曾为多部书籍、刊物撰写序言,作品在人民日报海外版和网站公布,并多次荣获金奖,其中山水画《巴山秋色》选入《中国美术选集》;2005年被世界艺术家协会授予“世界陶瓷艺术家”荣誉称号。2008年3月,黄美尧成为了历史上第一个在中国美术馆举办国画陶瓷个展的艺术家,这场名为“山水情黄美尧作品展”的个展极富历史意义,取得了空前成功,也使黄美尧成为当代国画与陶瓷人的骄傲,更是整个艺术界的骄傲!

Born in Jiangyou, Sichuan Province, in 1934, Huang Meiyao was admitted to the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1955, he was taught by Li youxing, Shen Fuwen, Liang Qihuang, Feng Jianwu (brother of the great painter Shi Lu) , Xiao Jianchu (son-in-law of Zhang Daqian) and Wang Zhaowen, a famous theorist. From 1959 to 1988, he taught in the Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute for 30 years with the title of professor. He was a master of Chinese applied arts and ceramics in Jingdezhen, including Qin Xilin, Liu Yuanchang, Yao Yongkang, Xiong Gangru and Dai Ronghua. He has written foreword for many books and publications, published his works in the overseas edition of the People's daily and the website, and won many gold awards, including landscape painting“Autumn scenery of Bashan” selected in“Chinese art anthology”; In 2005, he was awarded the honorary title of“World Ceramic Artist” by the World Artists Association. In March 2008, Huang Meiyao became the first artist to hold a solo exhibition of traditional Chinese painting and ceramics at the National Art Museum of China, with its unprecedented success, Huang Meiyao has become the pride of contemporary Chinese painting and ceramics, and the pride of the entire art world!

青山屋瓦色 指点墨千层》创作时间:2021年 大墨大彩大瓷板 大山大水大气势 放眼远视,层层叠叠,数千里; 平视东西,连绵不绝,龙跃虎踞; 仰望天空,节节攀升,飞天在望。 碧绿山脉,深蓝巨石,构建一座座宝石神山, 清水、白云连成一片,绿树成蓝,更显神秘。 有这气度的绝不是凡人,定是上天眷顾之子。 有这气势的绝不是凡山,定是藏龙卧虎仙地。 气势磅礴,龙脉绵长,碧水长空,珠光宝气,纵横间必成大势。 韵味生动,色彩明亮,远近清晰,层次分明,静观时再上新高。 泼墨成山,浑然天成,无线无皴,大山自成,更显黄美尧泼墨大山大水之神韵; 亭台楼阁,小桥流水,绿树成阴,笔墨自成,黄美尧笔墨功夫尽显其中; 自然部分自然泼彩而成,人文部分笔墨人为绘就,纵情间演绎真正的文人山水之境界。