


藏 品:山鬼花钱(方孔)

編 號:4030



規 格:WT:18.8gD:4.48cm




山鬼,即山神,因未获天帝正式册封到正神之列,所以也被称为山鬼。自古以来,山鬼都是以正义、高大的形象存在,以山鬼纹饰、铭文的各种器物也多被人们赋予护佑和辟邪的作用。其中,山鬼花钱以其小巧轻便、易于佩戴的特点,成为人们最喜闻乐见的一种配饰。山鬼花钱,始铸于元末明初,清代铸行极盛,民间行用甚广。它是清代道士用来施法以降妖震鬼驱邪的载体,也可叫法器。普遍挂于家中镇宅或随身携带保平安,在民俗花钱中,和状元及第、金玉满堂等吉语钱并列,成为最受欢迎的厌胜钱。此枚钱币字体清晰 传世包浆、品相完美 具有极高的收藏价值。

Mountain ghosts, that is, mountain gods, are also called mountain ghosts because they have not been officially canonized by the emperor of heaven. Since ancient times, mountain ghosts have always existed in the image of justice and height, and various artifacts decorated with Mountain Ghost patterns and inscriptions have been given the role of protection and exorcism. Among them, mountain ghost money has become one of the most popular accessories because of its small size, light weight and easy to wear. Mountain ghosts spent money, which was first cast in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties. In the Qing Dynasty, the casting industry was extremely prosperous, and the folk industry was widely used. It is the carrier used by Taoist priests in the Qing Dynasty to cast spells to subdue demons and shock ghosts and exorcise them. It can also be called a magic tool. It is commonly hung in homes and towns or carried around to ensure safety. In folk spending, it is the most popular money with the auspicious words such as the number one scholar and the gold and jade Mantang. This coin has a clear font and a perfect appearance. It has a high collection value.