


藏 品:中华民国三年袁大头一组

編 號:4062



規 格:WT:26.9g D:3.9cm





在辛亥革命后,袁世凯为了解决军费和提高个人政治地位而发行的银元货币,因这些银元铸有他的侧身图像而得名。 此组“中华民国三年袁大头”银币共两枚。钱币正面袁世凯侧身像,上刻有“中华民国三年”,背面图案是两株交叉的稻穗,中央为“壹圆”字样。由于它是实物货币,介于人们对贵金属的认可,以及对历史文化强烈的认同感,因此收藏的人不在少数。“袁大头”的变现能力比较强,这也是藏家看好的因素之一!

"Yuan Datou" is a common name for the one yuan silver coin with Yuan Shikai's profile head engraved in the early years of the Republic of China. Because it was first cast in the third year of the Republic of China, it is also called "Min San", which has a long history. As the leader of silver coins of the warlords of the Republic of China, the "big head" series is no stranger to coin collectors. The birth of "Yuan Datou" silver dollar is also the inevitable result of the development of silver dollar. After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai issued silver dollar coins to solve military expenditure and improve his personal political status, which got its name because of his side portrait. This group of "Yuan Datou in the Three Years of the Republic of China" silver coins has two pieces in total. On the obverse of the coin is a portrait of Yuan Shikai, inscribed with "Three Years of the Republic of China", on the reverse is two crossed rice ears, and in the center is the word "One Yuan". As it is a kind of currency, due to people's recognition of precious metals and strong recognition of history and culture, there are many collectors. The liquidity of "Yuan Datou" is relatively strong, which is also one of the factors that Tibetans are optimistic about!