


藏 品:湖北省造光绪元宝八瓣花(当十)

編 號:4066



規 格:D:2.8cm WT:6.3g




湖北省造光绪元宝是近代钱币中铸造精美的代表之一,它的风格非常独特,而且文化内涵十分丰富。再加上它采用的是国外铸币风格,因而十分罕见,此枚光绪元宝上方为湖北省造,直径:2.8cm 重:6.3g 下当十,中间是光绪元宝,配了阳点的八瓣花,湖北八瓣花光绪元宝当十,按文字版别可分高北,低北,阳点花。按龙面可分为珠圈坐龙,特大龙,以及坐龙等。黄铜者稀少。

字面:湖北省造"光绪,元宝"当十,中心阳点八瓣花(错版铜币)统称,高北。 龙面:背面的图案为一个带珠圈的龙,珠圈内的龙的图案为一个特大坐龙!。英文HU-PEH PROVINCE TEN CASH。都是品相甚佳、铸造精美,非常具有艺术鉴赏价值。 另外此枚湖北省造光绪元当十错版铜币(八瓣花)有25°错版,其是清朝古钱币的十大珍品之一,故拥有很高的市场和收藏价值。 物以稀为贵,像光绪元宝(阳点八瓣花)这种存世量极为稀少币种,如今大多情况下是收藏家或博物馆所占有,而且也只有在高端拍卖会上偶尔能见此身影,如果有缘相见,也算是收藏者与古钱币的一种奇缘了。

The Guangxu Yuanbao made in Hubei Province is one of the representatives of fine coins in modern times. Its style is very unique, and its cultural connotation is very rich. In addition, it uses a foreign coinage style, so it is very rare. The top of this Guangxu Yuanbao is made in Hubei Province, with a diameter of 2.8cm, weight of 6.3g, and the middle of it is Guangxu Yuanbao, which is equipped with eight petal flowers with sun spots. The eight petal flower Guangxu Yuanbao in Hubei is made into ten, which can be divided into high north, low north, and sun spot flowers according to the text version. According to the dragon surface, it can be divided into bead circle sitting dragon, giant dragon, sitting dragon, etc. Brass is rare. Literally: "Guangxu, Yuanbao" made in Hubei Province should be ten, and the central yang point eight petal flowers (stagger copper coins) are collectively called Gaobei. Dragon face: The pattern on the back is a dragon with a bead circle, and the pattern of the dragon in the bead circle is a super seated dragon!. HU-PEH PROVIDE TEN CASH in English. Both of them are of excellent appearance and exquisite casting, which are of great artistic appreciation value. In addition, this copper coin (eight petal flower) of Guangxu Yuan in Hubei Province has a 25 ° offset, which is one of the top ten treasures of ancient coins of the Qing Dynasty, so it has a high market and collection value. Things are rare, such as Guangxu Yuanbao (Yang Dian Bapetal Flower), which is a rare currency in existence. Today, it is mostly owned by collectors or museums, and only occasionally seen in high-end auctions. If it is a chance to meet, it is also a strange chance for collectors to meet ancient coins.