黄胄 高原初春

黄胄  高原初春


藏 品:黄胄 高原初春

編 號:2055



規 格:358?89cm





Huang Zhou... Master of Chinese painting, designer and collector of the foundation of the arts and Crafts Museum of the Chinese Painting Research Institute! Huang Zhou uniquely integrated sketch into Chinese painting, opening up a new form of brush and ink for figure painting. In Huang Zhou's works, there is the air of galloping thousands of miles and the sound of a trickling cicada. Its gold content has never been seen before or since. The magnificent painting style is enough to set an example for future generations and lead the position of Chinese painting figures, which has not declined for generations. Huang Zhou's art is an immortal monument and a very special figure painter in the history of art! The overall effect of the characters in the work is vivid, and the strokes are smooth and powerful. It has a strong flavor of life and closely connects personal feelings with the people and the nation-state. It not only has a strong sense of reality, but also has eternal artistic and economic value. It is a rare good collection. It's worth collecting!