


藏 品:清乾隆青花纏枝矾紅龍紋梅瓶

編 號:1020



規 格:H:56.7cm W:33cm




乾隆一朝,纹饰推崇繁复之美,青花瓷器传统样式更是如此。此器为梅瓶造型,典雅端庄、俊秀俏丽,是传承千年的陈设经典样式。胎质坚白,细腻润泽。口沿装饰有一周蕉叶纹;肩、腹通体满绘纹饰,以青花绘缠枝花纹,用矾红画龙纹、火纹。整体繁复,密不透风,几乎整个瓷面都见龙纹穿插、飞腾于花间,虽繁但不显得杂乱,体现出了一种复杂之美。龙常用于指代“天子”,画中大小数九飞龙,老幼兼有,动作充满张力,旋转翻飞,各具雄姿。一则寓意“苍龙教子”,二则表现子孙繁多,传达出一种祈求“多子多福”的美好愿景。底足见“大清乾隆年制”篆书款。During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the traditional pattern of blue and white porcelain was even more so. This utensil for the plum bottle modeling, elegant and dignified, handsome and beautiful, is the inheritance of the millennium display classic style. The placenta is white and delicate. Mouth along the decoration has a week banana leaf pattern, shoulder, abdomen full of painted patterns, with blue and white painted twigs pattern, with alum red dragon pattern, fire pattern. The whole complex, airtight, almost the entire porcelain face see dragon pattern interspersed, soaring in the flowers, although complex but not messy, embodies a complex beauty. Dragon is often used to refer to the“Son of Heaven”, the large and small number of nine flying dragons, both young and old, full of tension, rotation and flipping, each with a heroic posture. One means“The dragon godson”, the other represents the numerous offspring, conveying a prayer for“More children and more blessings” a good vision. See the foot of the“Qing Qianlong System” seal.