


藏 品:釉里红「云海九龙」福庆有余抱月瓶

編 號:1032



規 格:H:29cm




本品直口,短颈,颈肩置对称云耳,扁弧腹及底内收,下承圈足。通体施透明釉,釉色莹润微泛青,釉下以釉里红为饰,颈部饰蝠庆绵长图,云耳及肩部以如意云为饰,腹部通景绘九龙闹海图。一面以正面龙为中心,四龙呈拱卫之势。另一面,以火珠为中心,四龙呈奋力夺珠之势。“九五,飞龙在天,利见大人”之“九五之尊”之寓,颇显皇家威仪。外底心以青花书“大清乾隆年制”六字三行篆书款。This product has a straight mouth, short neck, symmetrical cloud ears on the neck and shoulders, flat arched abdomen and adduction at the bottom, and a circular foot underneath. Transparent glaze is applied throughout the body, with a slightly green glaze color. Under the glaze, it is decorated with underglaze red, and the neck is decorated with a long picture of bat celebration. The cloud ears and shoulders are decorated with Ruyi clouds, and the abdomen is decorated with a picture of the Kowloon Sea. One side is centered around the front dragon, with the four dragons forming an arched guard. On the other hand, centered around the fire bead, the four dragons are in a state of striving to seize the bead. The allegory of the 'Nine Five Sovereign', which means' flying dragons are in the sky, making it easy to see adults', exudes a sense of royal grandeur. The outer sole is printed in blue and white script with six characters and three lines of seal script, which was made during the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty.