清乾隆 青花描金粉彩番莲托八宝纹贲巴瓶

清乾隆 青花描金粉彩番莲托八宝纹贲巴瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 青花描金粉彩番莲托八宝纹贲巴瓶

編 號:1036



規 格:H:25.5cm




“贲巴”为藏语音译,梵音作“军持”,既藏语“瓶”意。“贲巴壶”作为藏传佛教的佛事活动中贮水用的净水壶,多用金、银、铜制作。这“贲巴”大体分有嘴无嘴两种:有流嘴、无执柄,用时手握壶颈,谓贲巴壶;无流嘴,称贲巴瓶,或用于盛水净沐,“一切诸佛手灌其顶”;或用于“插草”礼佛,俗称“藏草壶”。贲巴壶(瓶)有流者为壶,无流者为瓶,而以有流者为多,无流者少见。Benba "is a transliteration of Tibetan, and the Sanskrit pronunciation is" Junzhi ", which means" bottle "in Tibetan. As a water purifying kettle used for storing water in Tibetan Buddhism Buddhist activities, the "Ben Ba kettle" is mostly made of gold, silver and copper. This "Bi Ba" can be roughly divided into two types: a mouth without a mouth: a spout without a handle, and when used, holding the neck of the pot, it is called a Bi Ba pot; The non flowing mouth, also known as the Benba bottle, is used to hold water and purify the body, and "all Buddha's hands fill its top"; Or used for "planting grass" to worship Buddha, commonly known as "hidden grass pot". Benba kettle (bottle) refers to those with flow as the kettle, those without flow as the bottle, and those with flow are more common, while those without flow are rare.