元 青花水波云龙缠枝莲花纹大罐

元 青花水波云龙缠枝莲花纹大罐


藏 品:元 青花水波云龙缠枝莲花纹大罐

編 號:1060



規 格:D:33cm;H:27.5cm




本件青花罐为直口;溜肩,下收敛,造型稳重大气。通身上下四层纹饰:海浪纹、缠枝莲纹、云龙纹和变形莲瓣纹,构图繁而不乱,层次分明,观之赏心悦目。腹部为主题纹饰,双龙飘逸灵动,矫健曲身,龙身周围祥云朵朵,烘托出双龙苍劲、洒脱、雄伟之势;胫部下承十瓣仰莲纹,内填绘垂云纹和滴珠纹,莲瓣间留出空隙,疏密有致。整体笔法洒脱豪放,青花一色苍翠妍丽,有如水墨之凝重晕染,颇得笔墨意趣,时代工艺特征鲜明;青花发色明快艳丽,浓重之处带有黑色结晶斑点,浅淡之处晕散自然。胎体厚重,器底露胎,明显留有制胎时的螺旋纹痕迹,并且有部分釉浆罩挂于胎上,流淌自然。通身内外施釉,釉色白中带青,积釉处呈现鸭蛋青色泽,是典型的元代景德镇瓷器釉色。This blue and white jar has a straight mouth; Slipping shoulders, converging downward, with a stable and atmospheric design. There are four layers of decorative patterns throughout the body: wave pattern, tangled lotus pattern, cloud dragon pattern, and deformed lotus petal pattern. The composition is complex but not chaotic, with clear layers, making it pleasing to the eye. The abdomen is decorated with themed patterns, and the two dragons are elegant and agile, with a flexible and agile body. The auspicious clouds around the dragon body highlight the vigorous, free and grand momentum of the two dragons; The lower part of the tibia bears ten petal lotus patterns, filled with hanging cloud patterns and drop bead patterns. There are gaps between the lotus petals, with a good density. The overall brushwork is free and unrestrained, with a combination of blue and white colors that are lush and beautiful, resembling the dignified halo of ink and wash, which captures the charm of the pen and ink, and has distinct characteristics of the era's craftsmanship; Blue and white hair has a bright and bright color, with black crystal spots in the thick areas, and a natural halo in the light areas. The body of the fetus is thick and heavy, and the bottom of the vessel is exposed, with obvious spiral marks left during tire making, and some glaze slurry is hung on the fetus, flowing naturally. The glaze is applied inside and outside the body, with a white color with a blue tint. The accumulated glaze presents a duck egg blue color, which is a typical glaze color of Jingdezhen porcelain from the Yuan Dynasty.