清乾隆 珐琅彩描金花草纹象耳赏瓶

清乾隆 珐琅彩描金花草纹象耳赏瓶


藏 品:清乾隆 珐琅彩描金花草纹象耳赏瓶

編 號:1080



規 格:H:39cm




珐琅彩描金花草纹象耳赏瓶为乾隆八年所烧,造型比例均匀,胎质幼洁。外壁通体精绘金彩锦纹为地,其上再绘花草纹、变形宝相花。瓶口有金圈一道,腹部多道描金环为饰。由上而下的宝相花突出更苗条之视觉效果;瓶底饰以莲辨纹一圈,有包容结实各种纹饰之效,令整体更为完美,处处皆见匠心。 赏瓶因其外形俊秀、线条柔美、比例协调,深得清朝历代君王的喜爱。其器形为雍正督窑官唐英“参古今之式,动以新意,备储巧妙”而奉旨审定的款式。部分赏瓶赐于功臣后,将被放置于较为明显的地方,便于臣子观赏,感受皇恩。Enamel painted gold flowers and grass patterns as ear vase for the eight years of Qianlong burned, uniform shape, fetal quality is young and clean. Outside the whole body fine-painted gold brocade pattern for the ground, and then painted on the flowers and grass patterns, deformation treasure flowers. The mouth of the bottle has a gold ring, and the abdomen has multiple gold-painted rings. The bottom of the bottle is decorated with a circle of lotus patterns, which can contain all kinds of patterns and make the whole body more perfect. Enjoy the bottle because of its handsome appearance, soft lines, harmonious proportion, won the love of the emperors of the Qing dynasty. Its shape for the Yongzheng du kiln official Tang Ying, “Ancient and modern style, with new ideas, ingenious reserve,” and the purpose of the approval of the style. Part of the reward bottle given to the hero, will be placed in a more obvious place for the Minister to Watch, feel the emperor's grace.