青花釉里红鬼谷子下山盘 (一对)

青花釉里红鬼谷子下山盘 (一对)


藏 品:青花釉里红鬼谷子下山盘 (一对)

編 號:1093



規 格:H:6.5cm D:42.6cm




青花釉里红鬼谷子下山大盘,是元代青花瓷器,主体纹饰为“鬼谷子下山图”,描述了孙膑的师傅鬼谷子在齐国使节苏代的再三请求下,答应下山搭救被燕国陷阵的齐国名将孙膑和独孤陈的故事。此对青花釉里红鬼谷子下山大盘,胎坚硬致密,釉色细腻润泽。釉里红涂绘枝叶和花朵,色泽浓艳夺目。这对瓷器集绘画、青花、釉里红等多种装饰技法于一身,代表了元瓷烧造的最高成就。The blue and white underglaze red ghost millet descending the mountain is a blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, with the main pattern of "Ghost millet descending the mountain", which describes the story of Sun Bin's master, ghost millet, who, at the repeated request of the envoy of the State of Qi and the Su Dynasty, agreed to go down the mountain to rescue the famous generals of the State of Qi, Sun Bin and Dugu Chen, who were trapped by the State of Yan. This pair of large porcelain plates has a hard and dense body, and a delicate and moist glaze color. Under glaze red paint on branches, leaves, and flowers, with a vibrant and eye-catching color. This pair of porcelain combines various decorative techniques such as painting, blue and white, and underglaze red, representing the highest achievement of Yuan porcelain firing.