


藏 品:粉彩百鸟朝凤纹双耳尊

編 號:1100



規 格:C:20cm H:47cm B:25.3cm




本拍品尊敞口,口下渐广,垂腹,圈足,器形规正,笔绘生动细腻,圆润饱满,画工细腻,发色深浅有度,活灵活现,施彩时用西方绘画技法,斑斓夺目,诸彩洗染深浅有度,质感如真,色彩的交错得以精细的表现,百态悉备,生动而传神,画面勾染皴擦,浓淡分水,立体感强,色料明快艳丽,以光影透视法展现出草木的立体感,正面大量留白,更突显其体量之硕,气势之宏,论工艺复杂之极致,深浅有度,玻璃质感中又透出浓郁的油彩感,器上呈现出的画面勾染皴擦,浓淡分水,立体感强,以显示光影变换,敷色浓淡自然过度,艺术效果发挥至极致,工笔重彩,得当相宜,令人叹为观止,为陶瓷史上通景画的一无可超越的巅峰。This lot is open, under the mouth gradually wide, down the belly, circle the feet, the shape is regular, the pen painting is vivid and delicate, round and full, the painting is delicate, the hair color depth and light degree, vivid and vivid, the painting with Western painting techniques, gorgeous and dazzling, the color washing and dyeing depth and light degree, the texture is true, the cross of colors can be fine performance, every state is ready, vivid and vivid, the picture hook wrinkle wrinkle, the shade of water, Strong sense of three-dimensional, bright and gorgeous color material, with light and shadow perspective to show the three-dimensional sense of grass and trees, a large amount of white space on the front, more highlighting its size, momentum, the extreme of complex technology, the depth of the degree, the glass texture and rich sense of paint, the picture presented on the machine with texturing brush, shade and light separation of water, strong sense of three-dimensional, to show the change of light and shadow, color color natural excessive, Artistic effect to the extreme, meticulous painting, appropriate appropriate, amazing, for the history of ceramic Tongjing painting an unsurpassed peak.