


藏 品:粉彩寿桃纹天球瓶

編 號:1102



規 格:C:6.5cm H:34cm B:11cm




本拍品造型浑厚硕重,圆口,直颈,球形腹,圈足,其造型形似天球,以新创之粉彩,恣意绘出写实美奂的自然景致及色彩,桃纹色彩柔和美绝,淡粉、嫩黄、鲜绿等,充分展现新创粉彩的高度发展,以细笔淡墨勾勒,突显其高洁清雅,密而不乱,充分表现画家功力,描绘入微,饱满莹润,枝叶繁茂,经脉毕现,画工新颖别致、细腻典雅,施彩技术亦妙至毫巅,每朵桃花均用极细的深色线勾勒轮廓,既层次分明,又无损花瓣之娇美,花瓣本身的颜色粉中泛黄,向花芯处的渐变深浅有致,纤细的花蕊用蛋黄料彩厚涂而成,甚具三维效果,看来更为逼真写实,桃叶扶疏,露枝条曼妙之姿,果实粉润饱满,嫩黄过渡至嫣红,自然细腻,浑然天成,非官窑杰匠不能有此般技艺。The shape of this lot is thick and heavy, round mouth, straight neck, spherical belly and circular feet. Its shape is like the celestial sphere. The newly created pastel paints realistic and magnificent natural scenery and colors freely. The peach pattern colors are soft and beautiful, light powder, light yellow, fresh green, etc., which fully demonstrates the high development of the newly created pastel. The painting is novel, delicate and elegant, and the painting technique is also excellent to the utmost. Each peach blossom is outlined with very fine dark lines, which not only have distinct layers, but also do not damage the beauty of the petals. The petals themselves are yellowish in color, and the gradual gradation to the core of the flower is fine. It seems more realistic, peach leaves Fu Shu, dew branches graceful posture, fruit powder run full, yellow transition to purple-red, natural and delicate, natural, not the government kiln Jie craftsman can not have this kind of skills.