


藏 品:釉里红斗狮纹描金双耳瓶

編 號:1113



規 格:C:9.5cm H:19.5cm B:9cm




本拍品撇口,束颈,下外撇,胎骨细薄轻盈,釉质莹润若霜,层次丰富,质地匀净,雪白细腻的瓷胎反复的凝练,显得轻盈纯洁,釉汁温润透亮,微闪蜡质光,仿如羊脂美玉,甜美甘醇,搭配庄重端正器形,更显气势,内廷饱览清宫所藏历朝古珍、绘画、陶瓷,及造办处所造之器,耳濡目染,启发其造瓷之高度成就,造型秀美,装饰简洁大方,矾红一色妍美而不俗,于洁白如霜的釉质映衬之下更见丽质非凡,焕发出一种全新的、简洁隽秀、富有动感的艺术效果,色调既原料配置有关,也与彩烧温度、彩烧时间关系密切,色彩协调,绚而不艳,美而不俗,描金呈色纯正,灿烂生辉,整器瑰丽繁复,体现了皇家制器的雍容奢华,其间历经沧桑世变,最终成为其众多收藏中硕果仅存,保存完好的。This lot has the mouth, neck, and the bottom and the outside, the fetal bone is thin and light, the enamel is shiny and smooth like frost, the layers are rich and the texture is uniform, the white and delicate porcelain is repeatedly condensed, which is light and pure, the glaze is warm and translucent, the light is waxy, like the tallow jade, sweet and mellow, and the match is solemn and upright, which is more imposing. The inner court has a full view of the ancient treasures, paintings and ceramics stored in the Qing Palace. And the office of the machine, inspired by the high achievement of porcelain, beautiful shape, simple and generous decoration, alum red one color beauty and not bad, in white as frost glaze against the background of beauty is extraordinary, full of a new, simple meaningful, dynamic artistic effect, color both raw material configuration related, but also with color burning temperature, color burning time close relationship, Color coordination, xuan but not brilliant, beautiful and not bad, gold is pure color, brilliant brilliance, the whole device is magnificent and complex, reflecting the elegance and luxury of the royal system, during the vicissitudes of life, eventually become the only one in its many collections, well preserved