


藏 品:官窑粉青釉八棱边碗

編 號:1116



規 格:D:18.5cm H:7.8cm B:7cm




本拍品呈六方式,深腹,造型规整,大气自然,釉厚若堆脂,触之凝滑如丝,观之赏心悦目,棱角分明,硕腹丰盈,器形端庄,刚中见柔,若水映晴空之色,澄澈莹润,隐透丹霞,不失温煦,片纹自然泛金,浓淡不一,釉质丰厚,抚如琼玉,匠人神技巧思,尽谙美瓷韵致,窑火斑斓处,看尽一代思潮,出窑成品时,溢散赵宋文士雅调,官窑其色,青润明亮,匀净素雅,方存之间,映出一片雨过晴天,釉见开片,如一缕金线,曼舞游丝,织出那不世之经典,色泽温润澄澈,开片冰裂自然相缀,宛若宝玉,简约雅绝,浑然天成,宋代特有的美感追求亦贯穿其中,官窑瓷之比例、轮廓精准清晰,造形纹样极简素雅,如此朴雅之器,而非追求虚华之色,足证两宋皇家品味与风格之延续。This lot is presented in six forms, deep belly, regular shape, natural atmosphere, thick glaze like fat, smooth and smooth as silk, pleasing to the eye, sharp edges, rich belly, dignified shape, soft in the middle, like water reflecting the color of the clear sky, clear and bright, hidden through Danxia, not yet warm, natural pieces of gold, different shades, rich glaze, smooth like Qiongjade, craftsman and craftsman skills, fully understand the charm of beautiful porcelain, When the kiln is finished, the color of the official kiln is green and bright, uniform and elegant, and the square is preserved. It reflects a rainy sunny day. The glaze sees the opening piece, like a wisp of gold thread, Mandance gosset, weaving out the timeless classic, the color is warm and smooth, the opening piece of ice cracks the natural phase, like treasure jade, simple and elegant, natural, The pursuit of beauty unique to the Song Dynasty also runs through it. The proportion and clear outline of the imperial kiln porcelain, and the minimalism of the shape and pattern, such simple and elegant objects, rather than the pursuit of the color of the empty, testify to the continuation of the taste and style of the royal Song Dynasty.