


藏 品:夜明珠

編 號:5009



規 格:大 D:80.90mm WT:751.3g 小 D:49.90mm WT:169.7-184.9g




夜明珠 大 直径:80.90毫米,重量:751.3克; 小 直径:49.90亳米,重量:169.7-184.9克。 在古人的记载里,关于夜明珠的故事都颇具神话色彩,古人对夜明珠能发光这一神奇功能百思不得其解,甚至还认为夜明珠是海里鲸鱼的眼睛。由于稀少珍贵,夜明珠被古人视为珍宝,价值连城,可比和氏璧,被当成镇国之宝。历史上关于夜明珠的文献记载不少,是地球大地内的一些发光物质经过了几千万年,由最初的火山岩浆喷发,到后来的地质运动,集聚于矿石中而成。最有代表性的是一种具有磷光现象的萤石。故此显得格外珍贵。“夜明珠”在中国5000年文明史中是最具神秘色彩,最为稀有,最为珍贵的珍宝,并为皇权私有。“夜明珠”有着很深厚的历史底蕴和文化内涵。Large Diameter: 80.90 mm, weight: 751.3 g; small diameter: 49.90 mm, weight: 169.7-184.9 g. In the records of the Ancients, the story about the night pearl is full of myth. The Ancients are puzzled about the magical function of the night pearl, and even think that the night pearl is the eye of the whale in the sea. Because of its rarity and rarity, the Pearl was regarded as a treasure by the ancients. It was extremely valuable and was regarded as the treasure of the country. There is a lot of historical literature on the Pearl, is the Earth after ten million years of some of the luminous material, from the first volcanic eruption, and then the geological movement, gathered in the ore. The most representative is a kind of fluorite with phosphorescence. So it is very precious. “Night Pearl” in China's 5000-year history of civilization is the most mysterious, the most rare, the most precious treasures, and for the imperial power private. The“Night Pearl” has profound historical and cultural connotations.