


藏 品:多面泰佛唐卡

編 號:5016



規 格:L:52cm x W:41cm




莲花生大师的八种化身之一,藏语为咕噜罗登楚诗,意指“无上智慧持有者”,代表莲花生的密法成就。藏史云:莲师从室利僧哈受以大圆满为主的众多显密经教。云游孟加拉国国国及邬丈那等地,教化有缘归依佛门。此幅主尊表现的即为爱慧上师,其形象为在家居士相,头戴花冠,双耳垂铛,面有八字胡须,显示了他标志性的形象特征。右手拈莲茎,左手施无畏印,颈戴项链,全身王者装束,锦袍稠迭,飘散自然,如意坐姿坐于众龙托举的方台座上。主尊周围绘有诸多莲师的本生故事,或于山洞中苦修,或讲经说法饶益有情,或调解争端平息战事,或修塔建寺庄严道场……,皆是帮助修行者了悟本性的表征。此唐卡构图繁密,色彩丰富明亮,绘制极为工细,体现了艺术家深厚的功力,为莲师八变题材中的佳作。One of the eight incarnations of Master Lotus Flower, the Tibetan word for“Gurlu Deng Chu poem” means“The holder of Supreme Wisdom”, representing Lotus Flower's mystical achievements. Tibetan history: Padmasambhava received many tantra teachings from Sri Monks, mainly the great fulfillment. He traveled to Bangladesh and Huzhangna and other places, and his enlightenment was bound to Buddhism. This picture shows the image of Guru Ai Hui, who wears a corolla, a pair of dangles, and a handlebar mustache, showing his iconic image. He placed a lotus stem on his right hand and a fearless seal on his left hand. He wore a necklace around his neck and was dressed like a king. His brocade robe was thick and flowing naturally. He sat on the square pedestal supported by the dragon as he pleased. Around the Lord are many stories of the lotus masters, such as austerities in caves, compassionate sermons, conflict resolution, and the building of monasteries and monasteries. ... are signs that help practitioners understand their nature. This thangka complex composition, rich and bright colors, drawing is extremely detailed, reflecting the artist's deep skills, for the Lotus Master eight changes in the theme of the masterpiece.