清中期 宣德炉(狮耳炉)

清中期 宣德炉(狮耳炉)


藏 品:清中期 宣德炉(狮耳炉)

編 號:5040



規 格:C:12.5cm;H:8.0cm;WT:1.1kg




此件清中期 宣德狮耳炉,炉口平滑外撇,束颈,垂鼓腹身,下承圈足。腹身一对狮耳铸造细致,卷眉圆目,阔鼻大口,鬓毛虬曲,层次分明有序,威风凛凛,造型端庄贵气,古朴又不失优雅。底书“大明宣德年制”楷书款,它通体光素,铜质精良,入手沉甸,经过岁月的洗礼,包浆滑熟可鉴,尽显铜炉精纯美质,为宣炉之佼佼者。狮自古即为纳吉、彰显权贵之瑞兽。据《宣德彝器图谱》载,狮耳炉为宣德年间御赐兵部尚书及大都督等军职人员之器形,取其威猛之意。又文殊菩萨骑狮,故狮头炉适宜供养。此炉为难得的精品狮耳炉,具有较高的艺术收藏价值。In the middle of Qing dynasty, the Lion's ear stove in Tuyen Đuc was made with a smooth face, a bow neck, a bulging belly and a round foot. Belly of a pair of lion ears casting meticulous, curly eyebrows round eyes, wide nose big mouth, Sideburns Daqiu Qu, level clear order, awe-inspiring, dignified and noble shape, simple yet elegant. The base book“Xuande year of the Ming dynasty” regular script section, it is full of light element, fine copper, starting heavy, after the baptism of time, wrapped slurry slippery can be seen, to show the pure and beautiful quality of copper furnace, the best of xuanlu. Since ancient times, the Lion is Naji, the Beast of the show power. According to the “Xuande Yi Ware Atlas”, the Lion's ear stove was used by military personnel in Tuyen Đuc during the reign of the Emperor to bestow military power. Manjusri Bodhisattva riding a lion, so the lion's head stove suitable for maintenance. This stove is a rare fine lion's ear stove, with high art collection value.