


藏 品:明代释迦摩尼佛像

編 號:5057



規 格:H:30cm W:25cm T:17cm WT:6300g




明代时期,释迦牟尼佛造像——菩提树下悟道成佛。 这尊明代释迦牟尼铜鎏金佛造像高30厘米 宽25厘米 厚17厘米 重6300克。佛像结咖趺坐、身躯健壮、体态饱满、法相庄严。顶饰螺发、肉髻饰于螺发前部、双眉间点白亳、暝目微下视、肃穆庄重。头部硕大、面庞圆润、宽额丰颐、直鼻高修直、面部沉静、神态安逸。大耳垂肩、耳轮阔大、面容与手臂的肌肉线条显示张力、佛身通肩式袈裟、两肩披巾、边缘錾刻精美的纹饰、左手横置左足上、施禅定印、造形端庄、工艺精细、实属罕见。 这尊释迦牟尼铜鎏金佛造像端庄大气,錾刻工艺精细,技术精湛,堪称明代铜鎏金佛精品具有极高的历史、科学、艺术价值、收藏价值、文物价值,为研究明代佛造像艺术有着重要的意义。In the Ming dynasty, the Buddha statue of Gautama Buddha became a Buddha under the Bodhi tree. The bronze gilt Buddha statue of Gautama Buddha of the Ming dynasty is 30cm high by 25cm thick by 17cm and weighs 6300g. The Buddha statue is seated in a cross-legged knot, with a strong body, full body and solemn dharma. Top decoration screw hair, bun decorated in the screw hair front, Eyebrow Point Bai Bo, dim eyes slightly under the eyes, solemn and solemn. The head is huge, the face is round, the broad forehead is abundant, the nose is tall and straight, the face is calm, the manner is comfortable. The muscle line of the face and arm shows the tension, the buddha-style cassock, the two-shoulder shawl, the fine carved decoration on the edge, the horizontal left hand on the left foot, the meditative seal, the dignified shape, the fine craft, are rare indeed. This magnificent statue of Buddha made of bronze gilding by Gautama Buddha is of great historical, scientific, artistic, collecting and cultural value, it is of great significance to study the Buddha statue art in Ming dynasty.