


藏 品:第二代人民币票样

編 號:5076



規 格:按实际测量




票样,也称样票、样张、样本票。人民币票样的指我国在发行新版人民币时,为了使银行、海关、公安等部门和人民群众熟悉新版人民币的票面额、图景、花纹、颜色等特征,预先向有关方面印发的人民币样本。票样是通过试生产,经过批准而作为正式生产产品的标准,以确保货币印制质量的一致性和对货币印制质量的检查,同时也用于对假钞的鉴别,所以,票样又是从事反假人民币斗争的重要武器。票样由中国人民银行总行统一印制,在票面上加盖“票样”(或“样本”、“样票”、“样张”)字样,并按规定程序和手续分发各行支行存档备用,不准流通。Sample ticket, also known as sample ticket, sample sheet and sample ticket. RMB ticket sample means that when China issues a new version of RMB, banks, customs, public security departments and the masses of the people are familiar with the denomination, picture, pattern, color and other characteristics of the new version of RMB. Samples of Renminbi issued in advance to relevant parties. Ticket samples are approved by trial production as the standard for the formal production of products to ensure the consistency of the printing quality of money and to check the printing quality of money. At the same time, it is also used to identify counterfeit banknotes, so the sample is an important weapon in the struggle against counterfeit RMB. The sample tickets shall be printed uniformly by the head office of the People's Bank of China, stamped with the words "Sample Ticket" (or "Sample Ticket", "Sample Ticket", "Sample Sheet") on the face, and distributed to all branches and branches for archiving according to the prescribed procedures, and shall not be circulated.