


藏 品:田黄印章

編 號:5101



規 格:H:10.3cm B:4.3*4.3cm WT:470g




田黄石是寿山石系中的瑰宝,价贵黄金,有“石带”的美称。其色泽温润可爱,肌理细密,被人视为“印石之王”,是刻制图章和各种工艺品的优良材科。田黄石的开发利用历史悠久,已形成一种独特的文化形态或文化现象,成为中华民族灿烂文化艺木造一的一部分。数百年来田黄石极受藏家至爱,正如俗语所说“黄金易得,田黄难求”,非常珍惜宝贵,市场前景一片向好。田黄石印章,底边4.3*4.3cm,高10.3m,重470g。底部印文镌刻篆书为“寂寞之道”道劲有力,边款新刻为“寂莫之道”。此印章为田黄冻,肌理均匀,黄褐色格、红血丝、罗卜纹明显,质地通透,极为美观。印章侧面刻有松下高士图、泛舟饮酒图,清晰俊秀,栩栩如生。这枚田黄石印章设计巧妙,造型别致,庄重优雅,石色艳丽,石质细腻,莹润光滑,非常美观,极为罕见,具有极高的艺术价值。由于年深日久,藏品表面形成了一层浓厚的包浆,显得色泽深沉,呈现出新石所没有的温润古朴,整体器型凝重古朴,堪称田黄石中的稀世珍品,值得珍藏!Tianhuangshi is a gem in the Shoushan stone series, with a precious price of gold and the nickname of "Shidai". It has a warm and lovely color, fine texture, and is regarded as the "King of Inscription". It is an excellent material for carving seals and various handicrafts. The development and utilization of Tianhuangshi has a long history and has formed a unique cultural form or phenomenon, becoming a part of the brilliant cultural art of the Chinese nation. For hundreds of years, Tian Huangshi has been highly loved by collectors. As the saying goes, "Gold is easy to obtain, but Tian Huangshi is hard to find." It is highly valued and has a promising market prospect. Tian Huangshi seal, bottom edge 4.3 * 4.3cm, height 10.3m, weight 470g. At the bottom, the seal script is engraved as the "Road of Loneliness" with strong Dao power, while the edge is newly engraved as the "Road of Silence". This seal is made of Tianhuang jelly, with uniform texture, obvious yellow brown color grid, red blood thread, and carrot pattern. The texture is transparent and extremely beautiful. The side of the seal is engraved with pictures of Panasonic's high-ranking officials and boating and drinking, which are clear, handsome, and lifelike. This Tian Huang stone seal is cleverly designed, unique in shape, solemn and elegant, with bright stone color, delicate and smooth stone texture, very beautiful, extremely rare, and of high artistic value. Due to age, a thick layer of slurry has formed on the surface of the collection, giving it a deep color and presenting a warm and ancient simplicity that new stones do not have. The overall shape is dignified and ancient, making it a rare treasure among the Tian Huang stones and worthy of collection!