


藏 品:中華民國十四年造紀念壹圓(李景林紀念幣)

編 號:4066



規 格:39.5mm*2.2mm WT:26.5g




李景林先生為民國早年的風雲人物,曾出任直隸軍務督辦及奉軍第一方面軍團總司令。民國十四年正是其事業頂峰時期。這枚民國十四年造壹圓紀念銀幣,佈局精巧,圖案工整,打制用心,壓力十足,包漿自然老道。人物肖像通盤印刻在直徑39.5 mm版面上,栩栩如生,以一介布衣的形象突顯將帥的儒雅風範。沿周邊鑲嵌精製珠圈,更顯得超凡脫俗。設計的雙旗頗為獨特,在嘉禾流暢線條和飽滿穗芒襯托下,推出一顆閃閃生輝的五角星。藝術感染力超群,堪稱民國早期紀念幣中的佼佼者。由於風雲變化和世事滄桑,該品種錢幣存世極為罕見,因而有著巨大升值潛力。 Mr. Li Jinglin was a prominent figure in the early years of the Republic of China, serving as Zhili military governor and the Commander-in-Chief of the First Army Corps of the Fengtian Army. The 14th year of the Republic of China witnessed the summit of his career. This commemorative silver coin features exquisite layout, very neat patterns and meticulous craftsmanship with immense pressure, and the natural patina shows its history. The figure portrait engraved is fully arranged on the surface area with a diameter of 39.5 mm and looks vivid, demonstrating the distinguished demeanor of the military leader like an ordinary commoner at that time. Refined beads circle embedded along the periphery makes it even more extraordinary and sophisticated. The designed double flag patterns are exceptional, and the Jiahe has pictured with smooth lines and plump ears, accentuating a sparkling five-pointed star between the flagpoles. The exhibited artistic charm is tremendous, placing it as one of the outstanding commemorative coins in the early years of the Republic of China. Due to the changes in circumstances and the vicissitudes of life, this type of coins is extremely rare nowadays; thus, it has great potential for appreciation in the years to come.