Turquoise green plum vase with five dragon patterns

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Turquoise green plum vase with five dragon patterns

Auction Information

Product:Turquoise green plum vase with five dragon patterns


Starting Price:QAR: 5,880,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 6,000,000

Specification:H:42cm C:12cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Turquoise green, also known as okra green, is a new variety of green glaze created and fired during the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty. Its color is light yellow with a slight greenness, similar to the color of turquoise, hence the name "turquoise green". Turquoise green glaze is often colored porcelain. Although turquoise green glaze is a low-temperature color glaze, it also requires a lot of effort in preparation. Proper preparation can achieve a uniform effect during coloring, and after firing, it will have a uniform, clean, and thick texture. The decorative techniques and forms of plum blossom patterns have undergone significant changes in the evolution of ceramics throughout history, and have formed certain patterns. The level of ceramic handicraft industry in the Tang Dynasty reached a certain height, and ceramic works not only achieved remarkable achievements in shape, decoration, and glaze firing, but were also commonly seen in the Tang Three Colored Paintings.