Gold Glazed Enamel Colored Tripod Bottle

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Gold Glazed Enamel Colored Tripod Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Gold Glazed Enamel Colored Tripod Bottle


Starting Price:QAR: 3,430,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 3,430,000

Specification:H:26cm C:20cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Gold enamel color can not only prevent surface corrosion, rust, and wear of objects, but also play a certain role in antibacterial and anti microbial effects, and the decorative effect is very significant. Gold enamel color is a type of enamel color technique, which is a decorative effect of adding gold colored paintings or films to the surface of objects. The production process of gold enamel color is relatively complex and requires multiple firing cycles