Wang Butao's Red Glazed Pile with White Flowers and Birds

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Wang Butao's Red Glazed Pile with White Flowers and Birds

Auction Information

Product:Wang Butao's Red Glazed Pile with White Flowers and Birds


Starting Price:QAR: 150,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 150,000

Specification:L:80cm W:42cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Wang Bu (1898-1968), with the courtesy name Renyuan and the courtesy name Zhuxi, was born in Fengcheng County, Jiangxi Province. In his later years, he made blue and white porcelain and was often referred to as "Tao Qing Lao Ren" in Chinese painting. I have been engaged in ceramic art work for over 60 years, and have created tens of thousands of underglaze, overglaze, pile carving, and carved porcelain pieces throughout my life, especially skilled in blue and white.