Zhang Songmao Songhe Yannian Porcelain Plate Painting

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Zhang Songmao Songhe Yannian Porcelain Plate Painting

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Songmao Songhe Yannian Porcelain Plate Painting


Starting Price:QAR: 680,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 680,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


In 1983, Mr. Zhang Songmao personally painted this porcelain plate painting "Pine and Crane Extend Life" to celebrate the 72nd birthday of Comrade Kang Keqing (wife of Zhu De), who is also a fellow villager in Jiangxi. This pine and crane porcelain plate painting, symbolizing auspiciousness and longevity, has exquisite techniques but not delicate, while the artistic conception is grand but not rough. The color scheme is suitable for both intensity and depth, and the green pine branches in the picture are spicy and vigorous, crisscrossing and crisscrossing; Pine needles layer by layer, lush and lush; The cranes in the air are fluttering and dancing, with various postures and full of agility; A few red leaves adorn it, creating a strong contrast but unexpectedly highlighting a vibrant vitality. Such exquisite creation clearly comes from Mr. Zhang Songmao's heart, every stroke of which touches the viewer's emotions, and is highly artistic and infectious. Introduction: Zhang Songmao, born in Poyang, Jiangxi, is known as "Zhishan Songmao" and his room name is "Yayue Zhai". In 1946, he studied with his father and in 1956, he entered the Ceramic Research Institute of the Ministry of Light Industry. He gathered the strengths of various families to form a family, and was skilled in character, landscape, flower and bird porcelain painting. At the same time, he had profound expertise in traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, and gold and stone. Proficient in characters, landscapes, flowers and birds, and renowned as a "versatile painter" both domestically and internationally. Title: Songhe Yannian and Zhishan Songmao Painting in the year of Guihai. Seal: Zhang, Shi