Qing Yongzheng Imperial Pink Colored Ladies Double Ear Flat Bottle

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Qing Yongzheng Imperial Pink Colored Ladies Double Ear Flat Bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Yongzheng Imperial Pink Colored Ladies Double Ear Flat Bottle


Starting Price:QAR: 10,000,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:B:16.5×12cm C:8.7×8.4cm H:48.6cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The pink colored maid's double ear flat bottle (also known as the moon hugging bottle) has a delicate and elegant body glaze. Symmetrical Kuilong ears are placed on both sides of the neck, exquisite and unique. The bottle is flat and shaped like a full moon. The entire piece is painted in pink, with a Ruyi cloud head pattern around the outer edge of the mouth, and a bat decoration on the neck. On both sides of the abdomen, windows are opened, and the background on both sides is the scenery of a beautiful woman. The facial expressions and folds of the painted characters are vivid. The remaining edges are decorated with blue and white painted patterns of longevity intertwined branches and flowers, with bright and bright hair colors, smooth brushstrokes, complex yet not messy, complementing the translucent and moist glaze, creating a unique charm