Ming Yongle blue and white flowers double ring lying pot

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Ming Yongle blue and white flowers double ring lying pot

Auction Information

Product:Ming Yongle blue and white flowers double ring lying pot


Starting Price:QAR: 4,000,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:C:6.5cm H:43.3m

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This blue and white flower double ring pot has a small lip, short neck, one side of the belly is raised, and the other side is flat, forming a flat circular shape, also known as a "lying pot". The outer lip is equipped with a small hole system on one side, and double ring ears are installed under the shoulder, with a stacked circular cover. This pot has a unique shape, especially the graceful and rhythmic winding flowers painted on the belly, with typical West Asian characteristics. The octagonal star shaped decoration on the inner ring of the protruding circular line in the center of the abdomen utilizes the principles of harmonious and symmetrical geometry, making it refreshing. Although traditional Chinese teapots come in various shapes, their ultimate practical function is to store water. This teapot cannot stand upright and water will flow out from the mouth when placed flat, so its practical efficacy is not yet clear. Has extremely high collection value.