Blue and white Landscape Porcelain Plate Insertion Screen by Wangbu

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Blue and white Landscape Porcelain Plate Insertion Screen by Wangbu

Auction Information

Product:Blue and white Landscape Porcelain Plate Insertion Screen by Wangbu


Starting Price:QAR: 4,900,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:190cm W:87cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Wang Bu (1898-1968), with the courtesy name Renyuan and the courtesy name Zhuxi, was born in Fengcheng County, Jiangxi Province. In his later years, he made blue and white porcelain and was often referred to as "Tao Qing Lao Ren" in Chinese painting. I have been engaged in ceramic art work for over 60 years, and have created tens of thousands of underglaze, overglaze, pile carving, and carved porcelain pieces throughout my life, especially skilled in blue and white. This is a porcelain plate painting called "A Range of Lakes and Mountains". The main picture has a concise brushstroke, elegant style, lively atmosphere, and natural smoothness. It is framed with hardwood, and the inner and outer frames are hollowed out to carve the lotus back character pattern of entangled branches. The four sides of the outer frame are carved with bamboo patterns, symbolizing "high and high". The top left corner of the screen shows the Wang Bu question. This porcelain panel painting is painted with white glaze on the front, with the theme of blue and white landscape figures. The entire glaze is clear and delicate, with delicate texture and moderate thickness. The blue and white hair color is bright and bright. The painting layout is delicate and elegant, with patterns mostly concentrated in the lower right corner of the entire painting, leaving a lot of blank space, striving for a refreshing image while also making the infinite blank space a space for imagery. The picture is ethereal and spacious, displaying a grand aura. This porcelain painting utilizes the wonderful use of white, which not only reflects the material beauty of the raw materials, but also gives the work a spacious, bright, and relaxed effect. This porcelain painting is at the peak of Wang Bu's creative period and is also a representative work that opened up the atmosphere in the ceramic art world at that time. From the perspectives of artistic innovation, technical inheritance, and collection appreciation, it has high collection value and cultural and artistic appreciation value!