Austro-Hungarian silver coins

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Austro-Hungarian silver coins

Auction Information

Product:Austro-Hungarian silver coins


Starting Price:QAR: 43,100

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:According to actual measurement

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The "Big Mammy" silver coin has been discovered multiple times in the Gongkou Port area of Meiling, Zhao'an. In fact, it should be called Maria Theresia Austro Hungarian trade silver coin, and "Big Mammy" is a common name in China. The Thaler silver coin is one of the world's famous trade silver coins and also one of the sea silk silver coins flowing into southern Fujian. She issued this silver coin in 1780 to commemorate Ma Theresa. The main image of the silver coin shows the portrait of the empress on the right side, with curly hair draped in a headscarf and a plump chest. The figure presents a rich and distinctive feature of 18th century European women. The main image on the back is exquisitely carved, with dense lines as thin as hair, demonstrating extremely advanced casting techniques. The top pattern is a crown adorned with a cross; Below are two sturdy eagles, symbolizing the majesty of imperial power. The wings of an eagle are depicted very gracefully, with a dynamic and layered feel. There is also a standing lion on the shield in the middle of the silver coin. The edges of the silver coins are not wasted, filled with decorative patterns and text. This item is well preserved and is a public blog rating coin, with great collection value!