Coins of the Northern Song Dynasty

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Coins of the Northern Song Dynasty

Auction Information

Product:Coins of the Northern Song Dynasty


Starting Price:QAR: 615,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The Northern Song Dynasty was another peak period in China's social, economic, and cultural development, following the Han and Tang dynasties, and was the most developed period in ancient Chinese culture and art. The trend of "heavy writing" is prevalent, and art has been widely developed, giving rise to famous calligraphers such as Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Mi Fu, and Cai Xiang. The emperors of the Northern Song Dynasty, Song Chezong and Zhao Xin, were even more outstanding calligraphers. Calligraphy art is not only displayed in inscriptions, scrolls, and letters, but also fully utilized in the context of currency and literature. In the Northern Song Dynasty, seal script, running script, cursive script, clerical script, and true script are all five types of calligraphy, with different styles of currency and documents Law has become a treasure trove of Chinese calligraphy and calligraphy. During the reign of Emperor Taizong Zhao Guangyi in Chunhua, he personally wrote with an imperial pen The Chunhua Yuanbao (Chunhua Yuanbao) consists of three types of coins: Zhen, Xing, and Cao. It is the ancestor of the imperial script for coins and also the beginning of the entry of cursive script into coins. The system of minting coins began in the 1023 year of the first year of Emperor Renzong Zhao Zhen and Emperor Tiansheng. It went through the Tian Sheng, Ming Dao, Jing He, Huang Song, Zhi He, and Jia Ge of Emperor Renzong Zhao Zhen in the Northern Song Dynasty, the Ping of Emperor Yingzong Zhao Shu, the Xining and Yuan Feng of Emperor Shenzong Zhao Ding, the Yuan Private, Shao Sheng, and Yuan Fu of Emperor Zhezong Zhao Xu, the Sheng Song of Emperor Weizong Zhao Xin, the Zheng He, and Zhong Over 70% of the Northern Song Dynasty coins, such as He and Xuanhe, were issued in the form of coins. They were also written in thin gold calligraphy by Emperor Chezong Zhao Xin, pushing ancient coin calligraphy to the highest point in the history of Chinese wire coin minting.