Chen Shizeng's "Imitation of Silla Mountain People's Axis"

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Chen Shizeng's

Auction Information

Product:Chen Shizeng's "Imitation of Silla Mountain People's Axis"


Starting Price:QAR:4,200,000

Transaction Price:QAR: 5,200,000


Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Taste: A pen drawn by a person from Xinluo Mountain, written by Ju Fu | Respectfully appreciated by my elder brother, and written by Heng Ke during the midsummer of Renxu| Seal: Immortal Taoist (Zhu), Chen (Zhu) | The painting is unknown to the old general (white) | Explanation: Cold and desolate, with a solitary bird perching| There are no beautiful trees, low branches, and clouds| There are flowers singing, and bamboo leaves its toes| Looking leisurely, a cool breeze suddenly rises.