Zhang Fudong calligraphy

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 Zhang Fudong

Auction Information

Product: Zhang Fudong calligraphy


Starting Price:QAR:75,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:68cm W:134cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Zhang Fudong: Zhang Fudong is a famous calligrapher. His works have won many awards at home and abroad. He learned from his grandfather's words and deeds at an early age, learned from Liu and Zhao, planted calligraphy based on his childhood, and worked in Mo Chi for more than 50 years, gradually forming his own calligraphy style. Teacher Zhang Fudong is a respected old artist and educator who has always been a teacher and friend of Chinese characters. His running script is warm and affectionate, and his cursive composition has the majestic momentum of Wan Li rivers and mountains, showing the affection of Chinese children. His works are collected by many art institutions, such as the former residence of Deng Xiaoping and the Museum of Chinese History.