Zhang Daqian's Painting of a Beautiful Girl

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Zhang Daqian's Painting of a Beautiful Girl

Auction Information

Product:Zhang Daqian's Painting of a Beautiful Girl


Starting Price:QAR:800,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:130cm W:64cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Zhang Daqian (May 10, 1899 – April 2, 1983) was a native of Neijiang City, Sichuan Province. His original name was Zhengquan, but later changed to Yuan, with the courtesy name Ji Yuan and the courtesy name Daqian. He was also known as Daqian Jushi or Xialigang Ren, and his vegetarian name was Dafengtang. He was a modern Chinese painter and a member of the Jingxing Society.