Huangtinghai, Cangshan, Yunqi, Fengduoqi

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Huangtinghai, Cangshan, Yunqi, Fengduoqi

Auction Information

Product:Huangtinghai, Cangshan, Yunqi, Fengduoqi


Starting Price:QAR:250,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:178cm W:68cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Huang Tinghai, known as Liumozi, and Zhai as Liumotang. Born in 1944 in Nanjing, with ancestral roots in Baoying, Yangzhou. Contemporary renowned scholar painter and art theorist. In his early years, he studied under the tutelage of Fu Baoshi, Yaming, Song Wenzhi, Shao Luoyang, and Huang Chunyao. He once served in the military and studied at Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. A national first-class artist and a member of the China Artists Association, known for his expertise in landscapes and lotus flowers, he is known as the Huang Family Landscape and the Lotus King of Jiangnan. He is a famous inheritor of the Jinling School of Painting and the founder of the New Southern School of Landscape Painting in China.