Qibaishi Wilderness on the River

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Qibaishi Wilderness on the River

Auction Information

Product:Qibaishi Wilderness on the River


Starting Price:QAR:480,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:394cm W:68cm

Auction Time:23-Dec-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Qi Baishi (January 1, 1864 – September 16, 1957), named Huang and styled Pingsheng, also known as Baishi, Baishiweng, Laobai, and also known as Jiping, Laoping, Jieshanweng, Qi Da, Mu Jushi, and the Three Hundred Stone Seal Rich Man, was a modern Chinese calligrapher, painter, and seal engraver. His main paintings include "Ink Shrimp", "Cattle Shepherd", "Frog Sound Leaving a Spring Ten Miles Away", and "Pine and Cypress Gao Li Tu - Seal Script Four Character Couplet", He has poetry collections such as "Borrowing Mountains and Chanting Hall Poetry and Grass" and "Baishi Poetry and Grass", and has published three volume albums such as "Selected Works of Qi Baishi" and "Selected Landscape Paintings of Qi Baishi".