Qing Qianlong's outer pink blue glaze relief carving with banana leaves, hollowed out, tangled branches, flower patterns, and inner blue and white hexagonal set bottle

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Qing Qianlong's outer pink blue glaze relief carving with banana leaves, hollowed out, tangled branches, flower patterns, and inner blue and white hexagonal set bottle

Auction Information

Product:Qing Qianlong's outer pink blue glaze relief carving with banana leaves, hollowed out, tangled branches, flower patterns, and inner blue and white hexagonal set bottle


Starting Price:SGD:890,000

Transaction Price:SGD:1,000,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This device is hexagonal in shape, with a slanted mouth, a long neck, folded shoulders and arched abdomen, and rounded feet with a stepped shape. The shape of the device is upright and atmospheric. The entire body is coated with powder blue glaze, with relief decoration on the glaze surface, and a Ruyi cloud head pattern is decorated around the mouth edge; Vertical banana leaf patterns carved on the neck, alternating in length and varying in contrast; The shoulder is engraved with a Thai pattern, and the foot ring is decorated with a simplified Kui dragon pattern, which is orderly and interesting. The abdomen is decorated with tangled floral patterns on all six sides, with hollow spaces and holes covering the body, arranged in a neat and orderly manner. On each side, the upper part is a single blooming lotus with tangled branches, while the lower part is a delicate and graceful lotus flower. The surrounding curled grass flowers and leaves are arranged in a circular shape, supporting the flowers to make them more vivid and eye-catching. Through the exquisite carved hole, it can be seen that there is a bottle inside, which is painted with blue and white lotus patterns, similar but different from the main body of the external bottle decoration. The inner and outer abdomen are transparent, while the shoulders and neck are connected, and the bottle mouth is shared, showing a lot of craftsmanship. The six character three line seal script style of the Qianlong reign of the Qing Dynasty is neat and elegant. The hollow part of this bottle is designed to mimic the charm of window frames in Ming style architecture. It is a magnificent and exquisite scene, and through this scene, one can see the charm of the distance. At first glance, this product appears fresh and elegant, but upon closer inspection, one suddenly realizes the essence of the world. It abandons the intuitive clarity of what is seen and what is seen. The two layers of decoration complement each other, giving the viewer a feeling of half covering the surface of the pipa. It leads people to explore the truth, and the longer they observe it, the more they cannot let go of it. This product has a clear source and orderly inheritance. It was first collected by Rudolf Sterz from Russia and later handed over to his family. It was filmed at Sotheby's in New York in 1984 and later acquired by Mr. Zhang Zongxian. It was later collected by the Hong Kong Hongxi Museum of Fine Arts in 2005 and finally collected at Sotheby's in Hong Kong. This item was once cherished by various masters and passed down in a legendary manner. After thirteen years of absence from the auction, it is now destined to awaken dragons and attract phoenixes, reigniting classics in this world.