Kiln glazed double Kui dragon ear gourd flat bottle

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Kiln glazed double Kui dragon ear gourd flat bottle

Auction Information

Product:Kiln glazed double Kui dragon ear gourd flat bottle


Starting Price:SGD:100,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:31.6cm C:3.5cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This collection is kiln transformed glaze. The characteristic of kiln transformed glaze is the influence of kiln temperature on the color of glaze water, and there are subtle differences in temperature at different positions inside the kiln. Therefore, in the fired kiln transformed glaze porcelain, there is almost no same glaze color, so it is called "one color in the kiln, ten thousand colors out of the kiln". The shape of the porcelain is unique, with octagonal edges forming a flat shape, grand and dignified, with a double ear gourd shape, accompanied by the bottom model made in the Kangxi year of the Qing Dynasty, Has high collection and viewing value.