Colorful Dragon Pattern Sky shaped Jar

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Colorful Dragon Pattern Sky shaped Jar

Auction Information

Product:Colorful Dragon Pattern Sky shaped Jar


Starting Price:SGD:4,050,000

Transaction Price:SGD:4,050,000

Specification:D:13.6cm C:7.5cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The pioneering "Tianzi Can" is even more of a rare treasure with far-reaching influence. The character "Tian" is the first character in the first sentence of "Heaven and Earth are Xuan Huang" in the Thousand Character Classic. "Tianzi No.1" usually refers to the largest, first, best, highest, and so on. The Chenghua Tianzi jar is first and foremost an official kiln artifact used by the imperial aristocracy. The "Tian" character represents the highest, foremost, and most revered aspects of porcelain craftsmanship, usage, and other aspects, demonstrating the society's worship of imperial power. The jar depicts blue and white baby scenes. As a traditional painting theme in China, the baby scenes express people's infinite love and expectations for children, as well as their aspirations and wishes for a better and happy life. At that time, the eldest son born to Empress Wan Guifei died soon after, causing great sorrow for both Emperor Xianzong and Empress Wan. Empress Wan could no longer bear children and could not become Empress Dowager. Therefore, she harbored great hatred towards other concubines who could bear children, Poisoned and killed several sons of Emperor Xianzong. At that time, the Tianzi jar was mainly used by the royal family, and there were pictures of babies playing inside, mainly symbolizing that Empress Wan could have a son.