Sichuan Province Made Guangxu Yuanbao Seven Coins Two Fen Four Cornered Dragon

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Sichuan Province Made Guangxu Yuanbao Seven Coins Two Fen Four Cornered Dragon

Auction Information

Product:Sichuan Province Made Guangxu Yuanbao Seven Coins Two Fen Four Cornered Dragon


Starting Price:SGD:280,000

Transaction Price:SGD:300,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


In 1901, Sichuan Province produced one Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping seven coins and two fen silver coin. In 1901, Sichuan Province produced the Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping Seven Coins and Two Fen Silver Coins. Due to the lack of precision in steel mold production technology and the large number of embossing, the molds were repaired and damaged by rotation, resulting in numerous layouts seen in later generations. Most of them had congenital weak strikes, coupled with wear and tear, and were generally in poor condition; This product is made of steel molds, with a delicate bottom, steep lettering, full dragon horns, and sharp scales and blades. It is not only exquisitely crafted, but also naturally coated to perfection, with a brilliant silver light and a strong visual beauty. The exquisite appearance is a dream for Sichuan dragon enthusiasts, and currently the only champion score in the company's rating record for this category. The exquisite carving can be called a masterpiece, with a silky smooth bottom and a bright pink light, which is currently the best silver coin state seen in this variety and extremely precious.