Commemorative One Yuan for the Establishment of the Constitution of Hunan Province

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Commemorative One Yuan for the Establishment of the Constitution of Hunan Province

Auction Information

Product:Commemorative One Yuan for the Establishment of the Constitution of Hunan Province


Starting Price:SGD:340,000

Transaction Price:SGD:340,000

Specification:L:3.9cm WT:26.8g

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


On January 1st, the 11th year of the Republic of China, the Hunan Provincial Constitution was established to commemorate the one yuan silver coin. NGC MS66, number 3163641-003. After the Hunan Army expelled Zhang Jingyao, the governor of Hunan, who was a warlord in the Beiyang region, in 1920, Tan Yankai took charge of Hunan for the third time, serving as the governor, governor, and commander-in-chief of the Hunan Army. This led to increasingly intensified conflicts among the three major forces of Tan Yankai, Zhao Hengti, and Cheng Qian within the Hunan Army. Tan Yankai also felt it difficult to monopolize military and political power. Later, on July 22, he issued a "telegram" in the name of the people of Hunan, creating public opinion and advocating that each province formulate a provincial constitution, abolish the military governor, elect provincial governors by people, and implement joint provincial autonomy on the basis of provincial autonomy. In the future, a federal system will be adopted to unify the whole country, in order to achieve his goal of implementing separatism. From September to October, Tan Yankai presided over the establishment of the Constitutional Preparatory Office, held a provincial government and gentry constitutional conference, drafted a constitution for Hunan Province, and implemented his political views into the provincial constitution. But in late November, when the constitution had not yet been officially implemented, soldiers from Zhao Hengti and Cheng Qian joined forces in Changsha to force Tan Yankai to step down and leave Hunan. After Zhao Hengti became the commander-in-chief and acting supervisor of the Hunan Army, he still announced the inheritance of the former supervisor's legacy regulations, continued to improve Tan Yankai's unfinished Hunan Province Constitution, and created a theoretical basis for warlord separatist rule. On January 1, 1922, Zhao Hengti promulgated the Constitution of Hunan Province and minted and issued two types of commemorative silver coins for the establishment of the Hunan Provincial Constitution to expand its influence. Among them, the "Three Horizontal Silver Coins" have three horizontal bars held in the Jiahe circle on the obverse side. One theory is that this is the constitutional map of Hunan Province. The three horizontal bars represent January 1st, the 11th year of the Republic of China, and also symbolize the three Xiangs of central, southern, and western Hunan; One theory is that San Heng is a symbol of the stem in the Eight Trigrams, equivalent to the sky, and is an auspicious symbol. In early 1926, the people of Hunan launched a movement against Wu and Zhang. On March 12, Zhao Hengti resigned and stepped down through a telegram, and Tang Shengzhi took over. On June 2nd, Tang Shengzhi was appointed as the commander of the Eighth Army of the National Revolution by the Guangdong Nationalist Government, as well as the commander-in-chief of the Northern Expedition and the governor of Hunan Province. In July, Tang Shengzhi announced the abolition of the provincial constitution, dissolution of the provincial parliament, and establishment of the provincial government. The constitution of Hunan Province also passed away, with only four and a half years remaining in the world.