Wudi Money(Private cast)

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Wudi Money(Private cast)

Auction Information

Product:Wudi Money(Private cast)


Starting Price:SGD:100,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:WT:16g 13.9g 13.1g 13.9g 16.8g

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


The Five Emperors Money has the functions of blocking evil spirits, preventing villains, warding off evil spirits, promoting wealth, and praying for blessings. The Chinese folk have had the custom of wearing coins since ancient times to ward off evil spirits, prevent villains, ward off evil spirits, promote wealth, and pray for blessings. As a result, the Five Emperors' coins gather more of the energy of heaven, earth, and people, as well as the circulating wealth of a hundred households. Therefore, they can suppress the house, dispel evil spirits, and have both the function of wealth. They can also strengthen the owner's confidence and resolve the defect of the Six Gods being unowned.