High ice purple rich bracelet

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High ice purple rich bracelet

Auction Information

Product:High ice purple rich bracelet


Starting Price:SGD:1,488,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:WT:96.1g D:58.22mm D:83.58mm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


This high ice purple rich and noble bracelet has a very shiny outer surface, semi transparent to transparent, clear like water, giving people a feeling of ice clear jade. The sound of knocking on the jade body is metallic and crisp, and the appearance of the jade body looks like ice crystals. Colorless or less colored, with uniform and consistent particle size, the grains can be distinguished by the naked eye, the hard jade is pure and free of impurities, the texture is fine and smooth, and there are no cracks or sparse cotton lines. Rich in color, red jade, green jade, and purple are precious. The quality of the jade in the auction is excellent, very precious, and has extremely high collection value! Attached is the inspection and testing report of Beijing Yingfangzhai.