Shen Quan's "Dwelling in Peace" Vertical Axis

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Shen Quan's

Auction Information

Product:Shen Quan's "Dwelling in Peace" Vertical Axis


Starting Price:SGD:2,570,000

Transaction Price:SGD:3,500,000


Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Shen Quan (1682-1760), with the courtesy name Hengzhi and the courtesy name Nanxi. Her paintings were inspired by the Huang Quan School of Painting and were closely related to the Ming Dynasty's Lv Ji. She was skilled in depicting flowers, feathers, and animals, with a focus on precision and beauty. She also excelled in painting beautiful women. The creation of the "Nanyang School" of life painting is highly praised by the Japanese and is known as the "number one imported painter.".