Xu Beihong's 1944 work "Three Steeds of Willow Shade" stands on the vertical axis

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Xu Beihong's 1944 work

Auction Information

Product:Xu Beihong's 1944 work "Three Steeds of Willow Shade" stands on the vertical axis


Starting Price:SGD:560,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:H:109cm W:59cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


A gentle breeze brushes the willows, and the green grass is green. In the wilderness of the suburbs, under the willow trees, three steeds have different postures. Far away, a thin horse slowly walks on the slope, looking back and gazing at the strong horse. Near, two steeds, one bowing for food and the other roaring, echo the thin horse in the distance. The composition of the whole scene is clever and the layers are clear. The thick ink and heavy strokes depict the mane and tail of the horse, leading the brush to hook the body and limbs of the black horse. The light ink rendering is exquisite, with both form and spirit, The willow trees dance with their brushstrokes, weaving fine willows and green mountains to highlight the vast nature of the suburbs.