Huang Chunxiang's Horse to Success. Hongye takes off

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Huang Chunxiang's Horse to Success. Hongye takes off

Auction Information

Product:Huang Chunxiang's Horse to Success. Hongye takes off


Starting Price:SGD:100,000

Transaction Price:Uncompleted

Specification:L:414cm W:40cm

Auction Time:23-Sep-Sat

Auction Company:Habsburg International Auction Co.. Ltd


Huang Chunxiang's calligraphy and painting work "Ma Zhi Cheng Kung" takes the horse in traditional Chinese culture as the theme, expressing the desire for success and development. In Chinese culture, horses are seen as symbols of bravery, speed, and success, so this work conveys blessings and expectations for success and progress. Font: Huang Chunxiang used her unique calligraphy style in her works. Her font is smooth and accurate, with neat lines and beautiful and elegant shapes. This calligraphy style combines traditional and modern elements, retaining the foundation of traditional calligraphy while injecting personal innovation and artistic expression. Artistic techniques: Huang Chunxiang may have used ink or traditional Chinese painting pigments in her works. Ink and traditional Chinese painting are commonly used media in traditional Chinese painting art, which can express profound, implicit, and charming beauty. She may have utilized the brushstroke characteristics of a brush to depict the form and movement of a horse by controlling the intensity of the ink and the thickness of the strokes.